Table of Contents

Query Syntax Help

Conventions in this Document

Queries are written in italics.
Example: %rating% GREATER 3

Query examples may contain placeholders which are enclosed in angle brackets. Their name indicates what they need to be replaced within a real query. If multiple placeholders of the same type occur in the same query example, a number will be appended to the name.
Example: <field> GREATER <number>

The following common types of placeholders are used in the rest of this document:

Simple Search

The simple search mode does not use any keywords.

When using the simple search, any latin characters are matched regardless of their accents, e.g. ΓÇ£fooΓÇ¥ will match ΓÇ£fooΓÇ¥ as well as ΓÇ£f├╢├╢ΓÇ¥ or ΓÇ£f├│oΓÇ¥.

Advanced Search

The advanced search allows the construction of more complex queries. It offers several keywords to perform specific types of comparisons and to combine multiple query expressions.

Text Expressions

Numeric Expressions

Perform integral number comparison between the value of a <field> and a <number>, e.g. ΓÇ¥%rating% GREATER 3ΓÇ¥.

Metadata Expressions

Time Expressions

Time values used in these expressions must be in one of the following formats: YYYY, YYYY-MM, YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM-DD hh, YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm, YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.

Composed Queries

Sorting Results

You can put a SORT BY operator at the end of your search expression to produce search results sorted by the specified title formatting pattern.


Operator Summary

Operator Syntax Comment
AFTER <time1> AFTER <time2>
AND <expression1> AND <expression2>
BEFORE <time1> BEFORE <time2>
DURING <time1> DURING <time2>
EQUAL <field> EQUAL <number>
GREATER <field> GREATER <number>
HAS <field> HAS <string>
* HAS <string>
IS <field> IS <string>
LESS <field> LESS <number>
NOT NOT <expression>
OR <expression1> OR <expression2>
SINCE <time1> SINCE <time2>
SORT BY SORT BY <sort-pattern>
SORT DESCENDING BY <sort-pattern>
Must be at the end of the query.